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No More Muddy Nordic Boots?

This summer the MSNC had the opportunity to make long needed improvements to the parking area for Springs Gulch. The parking area had inadequate drainage, leading to muddy and icy conditions, and was also too small to accommodate larger crowds. Thanks to our partners (listed below) the lot has been re-graded, expanded, a berm to divert water was built, locked gates were installed at each entrance and boulders installed to deter unwanted use.

Perhaps most exciting is that 408 tons of road base were added and compacted to create a beautiful surface for the improved parking area. While we have a few steps left to go we are thrilled with the results thus far. While we received many generous donations of time and materials, the MSNC incurred significant expenses to make these capital improvements. If you would like to make a donation to help with the costs please visit the membership page.

We could not have accomplished these great improvements without the in-kind contributions of the North Thompson Cattleman's Association, PitCo Road & Bridge Dept., Bill Fales of Cold Mtn. Ranch, Ted & Tim Neislanik, Judy & Will Perry, the Roaring Fork Valley Coop, Shelton Well Drilling and Aspen Digging Excavation. A special thank you to MSNC board member John Armstrong for so expertly managing the project.

We are also grateful to the Garfield County Commissioners who awarded the MSNC $5,000 from their Discretionary Grant Fund to help with expenses incurred for the parking lot improvements.

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