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Snow, and more in the forecast 12/28/2021

Groomers were out this morning and rolled in about 4-5 inches, a bit less at the bottom. The snow is still coming down with the forecast for another 4 inches or so overnight tonight. Groomers will be back out in the morning to roll in what will come in the night.

At this point we are in early season conditions. Meaning the base is being worked on to have enough snow to groom for skate skiing and set classic track. We will not officially open until grooming starts (right now we are in the middle of a storm sequence and will be rolling in new snow as it comes and when the storms stop start grooming for skate and classic).

Lazy Eight trail is particularly sparse, with about 1 inch of base currently.

While we are not officially open we know many of you are eager to get out on the trails. So, if you do decide to head up to ski expect soft packed conditions and new snow falling this afternoon and evening.


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